Lighting Control
Low voltage lighting control systems
We manufacture exclusive low voltage light switch covers and stock the most extensive selection of parts for all types of older low volt wiring. Plus we ll help you identify your low voltage brand, show you options for replacing or updating units, and provide wiring diagrams to guide installation. GE & Bryant Low Voltage Lighting If your switches look like any of these…
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Microlite lighting control systems
Acorn Security Products American Fluorescent Amerock Hardware (Div. Newell) Auto Truck Group Blue Sky Builders BOSCH Power Tools Brookside Veneers Cable Comm Technologies Chicago Faucets Chicago Extruded Metals Crane Composites Dalluge Tools Dek Div. Tyco Electronics Electric City Emerson Electric Essex Cable FC Lighting Folding Gate Security…
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Building lighting control systems
Electric lighting controls are used in lighting design projects to achieve a high quality energy efficient lighting system. Specifying a layered, daylight-integrated lighting and control system gives the occupants control of the lighting while providing appropriate lighting levels, minimizing glare, balancing surface brightness, and enhancing the surrounding architecture. When…
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Intelligent Street lighting control system
Energia electrică pentru sistemul public de iluminat constituie partea cea mai importantă a consumului de energie dintr-o localitate, iar operarea şi mentenanţa sistemului de iluminat este costisitoare pentru comunitatea locală. Lucrarea studiază produsele şi elementele inovative din domeniul iluminatului stradal şi propune o soluţie economică bazată pe un sistem inteligent…
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Sensors lighting Controls systems
Aware™ Occupancy and Photo Sensors In addition to switches and scheduling, you can further increase efficiency and save money on energy with GE Aware™ Occupancy and Photo Sensors. A recent study has shown that utilizing occupancy and photo sensors saves an average of 30-40% on energy costs.* GE Aware is a comprehensive line of sensors that offer solutions for almost any application…
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Best home lighting control systems
Internet-enabled products often cost more than their low-tech siblings. To tell whether they’re worth it, we test their “life improving” claims and their primary function. We also determine how easy these smart features are to set up and use. Here are several products, most of which we’ve tested, and whether we’d pay for them. Worth buying Connected by TCP light system, $50…
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Stage lighting control systems
You know you want it When theatrical lighting professionals think of great control systems, they automatically think of Why? Well, because we stock the professional stage lighting consoles that set industry standards for performance and ease of use. The art of theatrical lighting is becoming more ambitious and spectacular all the time; but whichever console…
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