June 6, 2018

Feedback control of Dynamic Systems PDF
HiOA ELTS2300 Dynamiske systemer
In this course you will learn to model, simulate, and analyze dynamic systems. This is the foundation for further courses in control "ELFT2400 Kybernetikk" and "ELVE3600 Reguleringsteknikk 2". The course will be taught in Norwegian, but written material will be in English.
- What are dynamic systems and their applications
- Types of dynamic systems: Linear/Non linear, continuous/discrete time
- Model representations for dynamic systems: Differential equations, transfer functions, block diagrams, state-space.
- Mathematical models and their limitations
- Numerical integration and Simulation of dynamic systems using MATLAB/Simulink
- Modeling of dynamic systems: Examples from mechanic, electric, thermodynamic, economic, and biologic systems
- Solution of differential equations using inverse Laplace transform
- Characteristic response of first and second order linear systems
- System stability: definitions, criteria
- Frequecy response and Bode diagrams
- Introduction to feedback control: PID and state-space techniques
It is assumed that students have already taken the following courses: ELPE1300 elektriske kretser, ELPE1100 fysikk og kjemi, and ELFE1000 Matematikk.
Gisle Halvorsen
Aryan Naqid
Lectures will take place mondays between 8:30-12:15 in classroom PI-254
First lecture:
Last lecture:
Recommended literature
The following are recommended references (not obligatory)
- Finn Haugen: Dynamiske systemer, 3. Utgave, 2007
- William Palm III: System dynamics, 2013, McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition
- G. F. Franklin, J. Da Powell and A. Emami-Naeni, Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems, Prentice Hall